

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Statement of Intent

This is a declaration of what it looks like to live life all4God. It is a mission statement, an outline of our intent to the world.
Young people uniting
Standing as one
Working to advance the kingdom of God
To reach lives, to touch souls
Being a generation that seeks God’s face
Making the most of now
Making every second and every action count
Showing that what is important is “Faith expressing itself in love” (Gal 5v6)

Living all4God is about saying “Yes, we may be young, but that isn’t going to hold us back.” It is about refusing to be limited by society’s expectations. It is about refusing to accept the standards of the world, and striving for the standards of God.
It is about refusing to sit back quietly as the world around us goes to hell. It is about shouting “Enough!” to apathy, challenging the status quo and living each day so as to try and make a difference in people’s lives and let the love of Christ shine through our every action. It is about not being content being close to the chapel bell, but running a rescue mission within a yard of hell.
Living all4God is a call to put the words of Paul into practice when he told Timothy to be an example to all the believers even though he was young. It is a conscious decision to put God first in everything, and let that shape how we act in every way.
Living all4God is about refusing to compromise on what is important. It is about believing that pleasing God is more worthy than pleasing man. It is about sticking to Godly principles even when the world gives you stick for it, staying on the narrow path when the going gets tough.
Living all4God is not about being set apart from non-believers, but about being a shining light to them, in the world but not of it. Living all4God is not about being boring kill-joys, but about having a good time while striving to honour God, embracing Paul’s command in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to “always be joyful”. It is about realising we are not called to live by a list of do’s and don’ts, but to simply live “a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17).
Living all4God is about working together with our fellow believers, acting to fulfil Jesus’ prayer that the Church would be one, setting aside denominational differences, overlooking national boundaries and seeking to do great things together, acting purely out of love for God, always looking to go beyond our comfort zones, for we know that “nothing is impossible with God”.
Living all4God is about going that extra mile, loving your neighbour as yourself and loving God above all others. It is about refusing to turn a blind eye to evil, abuse, exploitation or injustice. It is about speaking out for those who have no voice. It is about realising that there is someOne worth dying for, but also worth living for – living all4God is about embracing life in the here and now, not sitting around waiting for heaven.
Living all4God is a lifelong struggle to go the opposite way to the world, not conforming but seeking to transform. In short, living all4God is merely what we as Christians should have been doing all along through the history of the Church.
if you have any thoughts to add to this statement of intent, please do leave your comments, and then I’ll be able to use them for a final draft of this. Thanks

5 thoughts on “Statement of Intent

  • Could it also be about striving to live a disciplined lifestyle in an age of laziness, devoting ourselves wholeheartedly to God’s Word, prayer and the local Church. (Acts 2:42)?
    Just a suggestion to a great list.

    • Definitely! There is so much we today could learn by following the model of the church in acts 2, and i know there are guys like Shane Claibourne living out that kind of lifestyle in the USA, but for us living all4God should mean being a part of a Christian community that goes beyond just an hour on Sunday mornings. And discipline to overcome procrastination and laziness is a great point too, one I really need to work on myself!

  • Could it also be about striving to live a disciplined lifestyle in an age of laziness, devoting ourselves wholeheartedly to God's Word, prayer and the local Church. (Acts 2:42)?

    Just a suggestion to a great list.

    • PeteMcM

      Definitely! There is so much we today could learn by following the model of the church in acts 2, and i know there are guys like Shane Claibourne living out that kind of lifestyle in the USA, but for us living all4God should mean being a part of a Christian community that goes beyond just an hour on Sunday mornings. And discipline to overcome procrastination and laziness is a great point too, one I really need to work on myself!

  • PeteMcM

    Definitely! There is so much we today could learn by following the model of the church in acts 2, and i know there are guys like Shane Claibourne living out that kind of lifestyle in the USA, but for us living all4God should mean being a part of a Christian community that goes beyond just an hour on Sunday mornings. And discipline to overcome procrastination and laziness is a great point too, one I really need to work on myself!

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