

Devotions to help you live out your faith


The Tuesday Question 1 – What does it mean to live All4God

Time to start a new regular feature – from now on each Tuesday I’ll post up a question for you to answer and discuss (in a feature I have imaginatively entitled ‘The Tuesday Question’ – a lot of thought and consideration went into that…)
Basically the idea is that some weeks it’ll be a question about a serious faith related topic that will hopefully spark some great discussion, other weeks it’ll be a chance for you to share recommendations of songs/books/video/etc, and sometimes just a chance for me to find out more about who is actually reading the stuff I post here. But it’ll only work if you engage with it and reply – either on the main site comments or through facebook coments, so please do get on board and then we’ll see where things go.
So to kick things off, this week’s question: What does it mean to you to live All4God?