

Devotions to help you live out your faith


To Albany

Just wanted to give you some details as to what I (Peter) will be doing over the summer, and request a bit of prayer from you.
I’m going to be heading over to the USA (I’m from Northern Ireland) for a couple of months to work at Beaver Cross Christian camp as a counsellor. (Depending on when you are reading this I may well be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean en-route right now). Basically I’ll be getting to hang out, play various sports, do water activities, high ropes, various camp related activities and enjoy fine American cuisine. While at the same time getting to teach young people about Jesus, hopefully leading them into a better relationship with Him (or even a whole new relationship), have worship pretty much every day, and be able to call it a job. And because it is in Albany, New York state, the weather should be pretty good too (Albany being near where the American version of The Office is set for trivia fans).
While on paper it sounds pretty great, it is going to be a hard slog, very demanding both physically (early mornings, late nights, very energetic days) and spiritually so prayer would be hugely appreciated. Some prayer points:

  • For safe and successful travel (I’m not the best at finding places in Belfast, my home city, so making my way to a random small town in America ain’t going to be a picnic)
  • That God would move in a powerful way each week at camp
  • That young people would enter into a relationship with Him
  • That I and the other counsellors would be able to make a real impact on the lives of the campers
  • That I would grow and be strengthened through the experience
  • That everything would run to plan with the camp schedule

Many Thanks! Also, I shall try to post some updates on what’s being going on, and what I’ve been learning, here on All4God over the next couple of months as and when I get a chance (in addition to regular style devotions)