

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Twenty Seven Million

Tuesdays on All4God are all about reviews and recommendations. If you only ever buy one of the things we recommend, make it this one. You may have seen on Facebook about the Twenty Seven Million song campaign. Well the time has come to get downloading it, and supporting this worthwhile cause.
Because today, right now, an estimated 27 million people are caught up in slavery – sexual trafficking, sweatshop labour, their human rights taken away so we can get cheaper jeans and MP3 players.
It is an outrage, and if we are to take seriously God’s command that we “do what is right, …love mercy, and …walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) we need to take a stand against human trafficking. As Francis Chan says “I don’t like to call it human trafficking. I like to call it little kids being raped repeatedly. And that should break your heart”
Matt Redman and LZ7 have recorded a song to raise awareness of the plight of these twenty seven million modern day slaves, and it has huge support from around the world, from Louie Giglio in the USA to Hillsong in Australia to Rend Collective in Northern Ireland to Tim Hughes in England. Will you spare 99p and add your support by downloading it and help send a message out to the mainstream airwaves that as Christians we are serious about justice and mercy for all.
Get it on iTunes or Amazon now and be her voice, be her freedom, rise up