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Cadia - Cadia

Cadia by Cadia

Cadia is the debut album of the group of the same name, containing tracks with a Christian message. Consisting of vocalists Courtney Myers and Tori Smith, Cadia appear onto the music scene something of an unknown entity.

Slotting neatly into the soft-rock category, Cadia nevertheless manage to separate themselves sufficiently from the crowd with an interesting blend of electric and acoustic guitar, strings and the tiniest hint of electronic verve. The talent of the instrumentalists is easily comparable to bands such as Casting Crowns and Third Day. The big story here however is the quality of the vocals by the young front women.

Across the album’s variety of tracks they show themselves to be versatile and talented, with highlights ranging from Trust in Me Now’s powerful ballad to the more sedate storytelling of Safe Place to Fall and I’ll Stay.

The style is very uplifting, with several of the tracks possessing that familiar-sounding quality, making them both incredibly catchy and eminently singable. The overall sound of Cadia could be described very closely as a more sophisticated Avril Lavigne.

As a Christian band, Cadia will always find their lyrics examined by listeners, and a wide variety of writers have played a part in this debut album. The tone again continues the theme of the uplifting musical and vocal style, empathising with the situations of today’s generation. One small criticism could be that any fans expecting intensely-Bible-based lyrics including adaptations of verses to feature the entire way through, a la Third Day, may be slightly disappointed, although they are present in some tracks.

This however means that this music lends itself to being played alongside mainstream artists, and one track in particular, Curious, appears to be reaching out to a non-Christian audience. With this in mind, some friends agreed to give it a listen. The consensus was that from a musical perspective it was pretty good, with a guitar solo near the end getting a particular mention, but lyrically a little repetitive and bland.

Overall, though, this is an outstanding debut album from a set of talented musicians and vocalists, screaming future potential. Some five star truly blockbuster tracks are present, and could be let down slightly by some less memorable. This, however, is true of any album and Cadia certainly contains more than its fair share of quality.

Cadia by Cadia scores 8.2/10 on All4God

Reviewed by: FoxHound

5 thoughts on “Cadia

  • i like this album, some of the songs are a bit feminine though

  • FoxHound

    Well, you DID want to give it a 9 😉

  • mensmountainbikes

    Wow, They are christian band, and it seems their sounds wouls definitely click on the eye of the public more of luck to you guys.
    printing belfast

  • mensmountainbikes

    Wow, They are christian band, and it seems their sounds wouls definitely click on the eye of the public more of luck to you guys.
    printing belfast

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