

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Edward's Choice – review

I plan on doing more regular reviews of books, CDs and the like on All4God over the coming months. (Feel free to volunteer to write some if you like). Kicking off today with a review of Edward’s Choice
by Jonathan Young
Edward’s Choice
is a Christian fiction book unlike any I have ever come
across before. It is written from the first person viewpoint of a guy
called Edward, and covers a large period o his life from teenage
school exams, university, and ends with him well established in a
marketing job. So it is somewhat different to most books in that it
covers such a long time span. And also it is slightly different in that
while here are many fictional Christian life story style books out
there most of them feature a female main character and are aimed at
girl readers, whereas this is more of a male friendly book.
Edward’s Choice
revolves around Edwards’s journey to faith and his
subsequent choice that he has to make as to will he let his belief in
God change how he acts and risk losing his friends, or will he be able
to survive as a secret Christian. It covers a lot of issues that teens
and people heading off to university face, and as it is being told by the
adult Edward looking back it is interspersed with some biblical
teaching on the issues covered.
The book is very readable and crucially believable. (I was actually
half expecting to discover at the end that it was based on a true
story) and it gives a powerful warning against the folly of trying to
be so relevant to your non-Christian friends in a bid to fit in that
you end up compromising your walk with God and make it impossible for
people to realise you are in fact a believer. I would highly recommend
Edwards Choice to any guys looking for some good teen/young adult
fiction that isn’t girly, and it has the added bonus of throwing some
spiritual challenges at you to help you grow closer to God too which
is always good, right?

{Disclosure: I was provided with a review copy of this book. Links are affiliate links, any money from them will be used for All4God}