

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Really Good News – free Ian Yates album reviewed

A few weeks ago we reviewed the instrumental Neon Ambiance album. One of the guys that made that album was Ian Yates, who today had released a free download album, Really Good News as a follow-up to his previous Good news album. (You can also buy it on CD and get bonus tracks). On this album Ian sings passionate worship songs which have a Delirious? style prophetic edge to them, and are full of bold declarations of the grace that God has for all of us. It is a great album to listen to in the run up to Easter as he reminds us that thanks to the cross, Heaven is open and God is giving us new life.
These are heartfelt songs, with a bit more of an indie-rock edge to them than a lot of the “radio-friendly” pop-worship, with some club-style beats in the mix too and the lyrics are deep, Biblically saturated words that are really emphasise how great the really good news of the Gospel is, singing about the ecstasy of the reality of being in Christ.
You can download the album for free here and if you are a fan of the sort of worship music Delirious? made back in the day I would highly recommend it.
This is how Ian described his heart behind the songs to us:
‘The Good News’ explored what the good news is all about and ‘Really Good News’ takes that theme to the next level.
‘Fire’ declares that we fold, that we resolve to nothing except Christ and that there is a fire in our hearts that burns for the one who paid all our debt.
‘Heaven’s Open’ declares that heaven is already open and that we live in a place where we can see lives radically changed, healed and restored as heaven touches earth.
The powerful ‘Fully Satisfied’ taken from Colossians 2 proclaims the truth that “IN Christ the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form and WE have been given the fullness of God the head of every power and authority” – As those found IN Christ we are / can be fully satisfied in God.
‘Passion’ declares that IN Christ everyone can have a hope and a new life.
The EP finishes with ‘I’m Alive’ taking the message of 2 Corinthians 5 and stating the amazing truth that we are now alive in Christ. That what Christ did wasn’t for a chosen few or a special select group but it was for the whole world! Reclaiming the word ecstasy to it’s true meaning and declaring the GOOD NEWS that One died for all, therefore all died.

The Good News is scandalous, it’s radical, it’s SO good, it’s REALLY GOOD!