In recent years The Alpha Course and Christianity Explored have led many to Christ. But we have noticed a gap for a new evangelism tool. Looking around many churches we have seen there are a large number of single people sitting in the pew. And looking around bars, restaurants and concert venues we have seen a lot of good looking people who aren’t living for God. And we came upon a solution: FlirtToConvert.
FlirtToConvert involves sending out the best looking single Christians to embark on some missional dating to win over those attractive lost souls in order to get more good looking people into churches. Because eternity would be a long time to spend without the company of good looking people…
FlirtToConvert isn’t for everyone. Only those who are called to the sacrificial lifestyle of setting aside your own desires for a quite life in order to spend all your time hanging out with the most attractive members of the opposite sex will be able to succeed at FlirtingToConvert. It will be tough. It will be challenging. But it will be rewarding as you get to advance the kingdom to those with supermodel looks.
How does FlirtToConvert work? We will provide training, fashion advice, pickup lines and theological teaching, then send you out to evangelise the best looking people you can find. They will love your charm and wit, and instantly put their faith in Christ so they can spend eternity with you!
How I sign up? FlirtToConvert will be rolling out in churches across the country really soon. To get your church registered now, use the Contact Us page to get in touch.
What are others saying about FlirtToConvert?
“Don’t waste your life. Don’t waste your good looks” John Piper*
“I am currently out of the office and will reply to your email when I get back” Mark Driscoll
“HTB is not a middle-class dating agency” Archbishop Justin Welby
*Paraphrase. He totally would say that though…
Is this serious? Or a joke?
For now it is just a joke (I posted this on April 1st) – but some day it will become a reality…
Is this serious? Or a joke?
For now it is just a joke (I posted this on April 1st) – but some day it will become a reality…