

Devotions to help you live out your faith


The return

It’s been a while. Apologies! Life got kind of hectic between getting married, planning a wedding, doing several talks at church, starting a new job, finding a new house to live in, moving to that house, organising a honeymoon and 101 other things All4God has been neglected of late.
But I want to reassure you it hasn’t been because I have drifted from Jesus. I am still as passionate as ever to serve him and live my life all for Christ. In the midst of the busyness of the last season of life I have been soaking up hours of solid teaching on my daily commutes, and I have given several talks that will appear in some shape or form as future All4God posts.
So now it is time to return to posting devotional content here on a regular basis, drawing close to God and praying that He speaks to you as you read my words. So sorry for the gap, but now All4God is back!