

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Misty Edwards: The Harlot

If you have never heard Misty Edwards sing before you are in for a treat. She is a songwriter who is heavily involved with the International House of Prayer, and she writes incredible, chilling worship songs that really powerfully speak God’s voice into your heart. One of my all time favourite songs is a spontaneous song she performed called The Harlot, which starts off being about the woman caught in adultery and how Jesus forgave her, and then moves to looking at how Jesus paid the price for each of us by drinking the cup of wrath that had our name on it and taking the nails we deserve. It is a really epic passionate, prophetic song, it is 20 minutes long and you need to set aside some time and listen to it and be reminded that Jesus drank the cup so we could be free. It should have been us, but He took our place!